
Unattached Clinics

Unattached Primary Care Clinic

Unattached Clinics

Unattached patient clinics are now running EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, by appointment only. Call (613) 515-2680 xt.105 to book an appointment or for more information.

You are eligible to make an appointment if:

  • You are a resident living within 50km of Perth
  • You do not have a doctor or nurse practitioner anywhere in Ontario
  • You are registered with Health Care Connect

Please bring to your appointment your Ontario Health Card or other health insurance, a list of prescribed mediations and any over the counter medications.

To register with Health Care Connect please call 1-800-445-1822.

Services we are not able to provide at this time are narcotics prescription renewals, insurance forms, sick notes, drivers medicals and traveler's health.